FIVE MINUTE NEWS - Independent. Unbiased. Essential.
Five Minute News: the daily newscast that matters, with Anthony Davis.
Five Minute News is an Evergreen Podcast, covering politics, inequality, health and climate - delivering independent, unbiased and essential world news, daily.
You can subscribe to Five Minute News on YouTube, with your preferred podcast app, ask your smart speaker, or enable Five Minute News as your Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing skill.
Anthony Davis
Anthony Davis, Founder of Five Minute News, is a British broadcaster, journalist and announcer. For over 20 years, he hosted numerous news programs for various international media channels. He was a popular radio personality for the BBC, LBC and Smooth Radio in the United Kingdom. Anthony's passion for current affairs was ignited by a seeming lack of non-partisan and world news coverage in the US, leading him to create an original fact-based format for the U.S. market, during arguably the most turbulent news cycle in history. Five Minute News instantly found an audience.
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