Gene Baxter sat down with esteemed broadcaster Gavin Esler to discuss the making of The Big Steal.
In The Big Steal, Gavin examines Russia’s journey from democracy to kleptocracy, as the Putin regime attempts to erode democracy across the globe.
The interview covers many world-shaking moves and the reasons behind creating such a podcast, as well Gavin promising to answer the big question, "How does Vladimir Putin get away with it?"
Gavin Esler is an award winning television and radio broadcaster, novelist and journalist. He is the author of five novels and two non-fiction books, The United States of Anger, and most recently Lessons from the Top, a study of how leaders tell stories to make other people follow them. It’s based on personal encounters with a wide variety of leaders, from Bill Clinton and Angela Merkel to Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, and even cultural leaders such as Dolly Parton.
Reviewers have been full of praise for Esler’s fiction and story-telling abilities. The writer Bernard Cornwell said his novels are "made luminous with wisdom, sympathy and story telling." The Guardian commented that Esler's fiction displays "undoubted sympathy for the human condition and a burning anger, a genuine lyricism, a quick sensitivity and a real understanding of other people." The Financial Times said Esler's stories of people in power and the compromises they are forced to make, shows that he "understands the political beast better than anyone."
As well as a fantastic writing and broadcasting career, Gavin has now added podcasting to his set of skills.