Gerry sat down and chatted about saving the planet with Marie-Noëlle Keijzer, CEO of WeForest.
That's also co-founder, vice-president of the board, Board Member WeForest France and CEO.
WeForest itself is just as impressive as Marie's title. The organisation is building upon corporate and scientific partnerships, as it empowers communities to sustainably advance and implement innovative, high-standard, scalable and lasting solutions to restore forest landscapes.
Yes, saving the planet. Listen to the interview here.
As a multilingual social entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in senior corporate leadership in Supply Chain, CSR and business transformation, Marie offers expertise in business development, strategy, marketing, communication, advocacy and public speaking.
Marie also holds a master's degree in Environmental Science from the ULB, Belgium, a master's degree in Business Administration from IADE, Spain and is a member of Al Gore's Climate reality Corps.
It was a pleasure to have Marie on Podcast Radio and chat through the exciting work that WeForest is doing.